A collage of diverse people smiling in circular frames above a 'live chat' icon, suggesting an online communication platform.

Your Style Revolution Starts Here! A bi-monthly rendezvous to reinvent your wardrobe with confidence and sustainability at its core.

Viewers can only watch & comment during the broadcast.

Start your style revolution here

Start date - May 17th, 2024

Fridays @ 12 pm EST (the 1st and 3rd week of every month)


Ask about your your personal brand identity based your current closet selections.


Transform your wardrobe with innovative styling that reflects your unique taste and lifestyle.


Experiment with pieces you already own to create looks that resonate with your style aspirations.


Visualize and organize your attire to empower daily choices that make you feel confident and put-together.


Step into confidence with personalized advice on styling choices that complement your body shape and persona.


Foster a sustainable relationship with your wardrobe by learning how to choose and cherish versatile, long-lasting pieces

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 'What's In Your Closet (Live Chat)'

It's a, recorded, bi-monthly 30-minute virtual event where participants discuss personal branding, style, and building confidence through their wardrobe choices.

Who hosts the live chats?

The chats are hosted by Size Wise™️ Closet Coaches, featuring occasional guest speakers from the fashion and sustainability sectors.

How often does the event take place?

Join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month at 12 PM EST for insightful style conversations.

Is there a cost to attend the live chat?

Currently, the event is FREE. We believe in accessible style advice for all. However, seats are limited, so be sure to reserve yours early!

Can I invite friends to join the live chat?

Absolutely! We encourage you to invite anyone who might benefit from or enjoy our style discussions. Just remind them to sign up as seats are limited!

Is this event suitable for all fashion levels?

Yes, whether you're a fashion novice or a seasoned style enthusiast, our Closet Coaches tailor the conversation to suit all levels of fashion experience.

Let's get started

Every wardrobe has a story waiting to be told - yours is no different. Let us guide you through each step. You're taking the first step towards a wardrobe that doesn't just look good but feels unmistakably you by joining our 'What's In Your Closet' live chat. 
